Contact us

Suspirito on the Other End of the Line, Tell me!

Woof! 🐶 Is that you, the four-legged lover?

This is your buddy from “Suspiros de Cuatro Patas,” always wagging my tail with joy when I hear from you. Whatever you need, whether it’s barking a “yes” to adoption, shaking a paw to become a member, or just doing a happy hop as a volunteer, I’m here to listen!You don’t need a wet nose or know how to fetch a ball to communicate with me. Fill out this simple form and let me know how you want to make the world a better place for all the furry friends waiting for their chance.

Virtual licks of gratitude for your interest in helping our “Suspiritos”! 🐾🐕‍🦺 I’m eagerly awaiting your message!
📞 Ready to talk? Go ahead, bark at me through the form!


You have it here, just below. Fill it up y we will contact you as soon as possible.


WhatsApp is another way to contact us. One of our team members will be more than happy to answer you. Out phone number is: +34 633 71 42 23


Send us a direct message or just follow us: Facebook Suspiros de Cuatro Patas


Send us a message through Instagram or just follow us: Instagram Suspiros de Cuatro Patas